Active Silver
Active Silver
Active Silver
Active Silver
Active Silver
Active Silver

Active Silver

Use our products for a natural and nourishing skin care routine, plus skin and health conditions:
Eczema, Acne, Spots, Psoriasis, Dry Skin, Chafing, Burns, Cuts and Grazes, Sinusitis, Sunburn, Allergies, Hayfever, Insect Bites, Eye and Ear infections, Verrucas, Fungal infections and much more!

All products are made with Colloidal Silver – a very effective natural healing solution that is antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal.

Active Silver is Berkshire-based, founded by father-daughter duo, Dick and Lucy. We are the UK’s leading producer of Colloidal Silver with over 30 years experience.

We are delighted to give customers 15% off with the code.